In order to develop/ contribute to Nakasendo TM, it is required to install and prepare some dev environments. It consists of installing tools/libraries for C++/Python/Javascript. It is recommended to:

  • Build from source when using a Linux environment
  • Download prebuilt binaries when using a Windows environment
  • Install everything in the same location and define environment variables pointing to the installed location. The build system will find them appropriately

Prerequisite Tools

  • Python 3.7.3 (64-bit) - As part of the Python Windows installer, ensure to check the installation options for the "Download debugging symbols" and the "Download debug binaries (requires VS 2015 or later)" checkboxes.
  • CMake 3.14.7
  • C++ Compiler: Visual Studio Community Edition 2017 on windows, g++7 on Linux
  • OpenSSL 1.1.b : It needs two versions: one for native C++, the other for emcripten. The prebuilt openssl for Emscripten can be downloaded from our GitHub
  • Protobuf 3.11.0 : either on Windows or Linux, compile it from source and install it. Then name the system variable Protobuf_ROOT pointing to its installation location. See detail in $SDK_SOURCE/cmake/modules/FindProtobufHelper.cmake


Dependencies marked optional apply if you wish to run the unit tests. See Tests for more details.

Build Environments

On Windows

C:\development\build> cmake -G"Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 ..\SDKLibraries && cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config Debug && cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config Release

If you wish to execute our test framework

C:\development\build> ctest -C Release

If you wish to create a Windows installer program you will need to install NSIS 3.04

C:\development\build> cpack -G NSIS -C Release

On Linux

nchain@sdk:~$ cmake ../SDKLibraries -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCUSTOM_SYSTEM_OS_NAME=Ubuntu; time -p make -j8

If you wish to execute our test framework

nchain@sdk:~$ ctest

If you wish to create a Linux distribution

nchain@sdk:~$ cpack -G TGZ


Once the build tools and libraries are prepared, some post installation steps are required to let the NakasendoTM build system know how to find everything:

To build only the library

  • Add the directory of CMake executable to the environment variable PATH
  • Add the directory of Python3 executable to the environment variable PATH
  • Set environment variable OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR pointing to the root of the OpenSSL for C++ installation

To build the tests

  • Set environment variable BOOST_ROOT pointing to the root of the Boost installation

To run all tests

nchain@sdk:~$ ctest             # or "make test" on linux

C:\nchain\sdk> ctest -C Release # On Windows
C:\nchain\sdk> ctest -C Debug   # On Windows

To build Webassembly

  • Add C:\Development\repos\emsdk\clang\e1.38.30_64bit to the environment variable PATH
  • Add emscripten path to environment variable PATH
  • Add the directory of Emscripten executable to the environment variable PATH
  • Set environment variable OPENSSL_WASM_ROOT_DIR pointing to the root of the OpenSSL for Emscripten installation

NakasendoTM can be built on any system, as long as all libraries and required tools are manually compiled to ensure absolute compatibility. Users can choose the appropriate CMake generator to make the build. The CMake build allows everything to be built separately from the source to keep the source repository clean. After cloning the source code to "SDKLibraries" directory, create a "build" directory alongside this, then run the cmake/make command to build

C++ examples On Windows, you'll need Visual Studio Community Edition 2017 and CMake 3.14.7. On Linux, you'll need gcc7, cmake 3.12 or newer. On Windows, run the following command e.g:

C:\nchain\sdk> cmake -G"Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 "%SDKLIBRARIES_ROOT%\example\cpp"

This will create the Visual Studio solution (.sln) file. Add %SDKLIBRARIES_ROOT%\lib to your %PATH% Open the .sln file in Visual Studio and you can start to Build and Run the C++ examples. [You may also have to install Twisted, Python 3, pip3, ecdsa, nodejs and npm]

On Linux (Ubuntu 18.04), run the command :

nchain@sdk:~$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug "$SDKLIBRARIES_ROOT/example/cpp" ; make -j4

It will create a Makefile project and build it. You can start to compile/run the c++ examples

Python examples Python examples need to know where to find all the python modules. If you have defined the variable SDKLIBRARIES_ROOT correctly, just open python files and run it normally. Another way is to define the PYTHONPATH variable pointing to the installation of NakasendoTM (where it has all module files) and run it.

Note that on windows, if you have a debug version of Nakasendo TM installation, you should use the python_d interpreter instead of python.

Javascript examples To run javascript example, you need a http server. The simplest way is to use python to run the http server. Open the terminal, go to $SDKLIBRARIES_ROOT/example/javascript, run the comnmand :

nchain@sdk:~$ python -m http.server

Then from the browser, open localhost:8000