Welcome to NakasendoTM

NakasendoTM provides a mix of high-level cryptographic functions underpinned by the nChain IP patent portfolio as well as by the cryptographic primitives required to implement your new big idea.


Download the NakasendoTM Installer for your preferred platform.

The best way to run the example code is to define the environment variable SDKLIBRARIES_ROOT pointing to the location where NakasendoTM is installed.


NakasendoTM is broadly split into 2 sections. One is high-level functions that require little to no configuration. The other is cryptographic primitives. These are often mission-critical and can be used incorrectly. They require making decisions and having an in-depth knowledge of the cryptographic concepts.

In depth mathematical definitions are given, along with code samples in JavaScript, Python and C++. Full developer setup guides are provided as well as a working example of a generic Threshold Signature Scheme.

High-level Functions
